Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thing # 23

Creative Commons & Copyright

     This is a topic that I, as a teacher, will have to be very careful about in the classroom! I did not that much knowledge on this topic until this class. This is a topic that should be taught to students. I could break the rules and some of my students would have no idea. This will be something harder to do with elementary school, but I can still introduce them to this topic. This way they will at least have a little knowledge that this exists.

     This 23 things is a great example of the website 43 things! This is a good example of Creative Commons! The website is about goals to set for yourself to improve your life. These are perfect examples of Creative Commons! I don't know if I will use this kind of stuff when I teach but it is a great thing to know!
    M.S.P. <3

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