Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Thoughts On 23 Things...

      Somethings that I really enjoy learning about were the image generators! This was something fun that I learned that could really spice up my lessons! This program has really changed the way I use technology for learning! This has given me some new ways to produce lessons. Nothing really unexpected came from this, except the Creative Commons. 
    I dont think there could have been anything different for the program. The program is really great, I don't think there are changes needed. Now that I know all these tools exist I will be able to keep up with them. I am really excited for what is to come of these tools and the advances that will come! I will be sure to keep up with that! 

     I might decide to make a new blog. Especially when I time during this summer! I have really enjoyed blogging and I look forward to it! 

        M.S.P. <3

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